CFPs on Recommender Systems

. Thursday, March 25, 2010

There are several call for papers for conferences and journals related to Recommender Systems. Conferences:

Journals/Special Issues:
ACM RecSys workshops were published some days ago. There are 7 different workshops related to Recommender Systems, so we'll have more CFPs soon.

CFP: APRESW Extended to March 15

. Tuesday, March 09, 2010

APRESW 2010 (1st International Workshop on Adaptation, Personalization and REcommendation in the Social-semantic Web), colocated under the ESWC 2010, has extended its deadline to March 15.

RecSys + ECML/PKDD = Barcelona, September

. Saturday, March 06, 2010

This year's editions of RecSys (ACM Recommender Systems) and ECML/PKDD (European Conference on Machine Learning) will be held in Barcelona. ECML will be from 20th to 24th of September (Monday to Friday), and RecSys will start on Sunday (26th) and will finish 30th of September (thursday).

There is a clear topic relation between RecSys and ECML, in fact most of actual RecSys approaches has been proben in other fields (like data-mining, machine learning, information retrieval, etc.) before. For whom, like me, work around the two fields, is a great opportunity to assist two great conference in a single travel, and discover Barcelona, that is a really great city.

Opinion Mining/Sentiment Analysis resources

. Tuesday, March 02, 2010

We're actually trying to integrate Opinion Mining techniques into some of our future products, and I've been reading a lot about Opinion Mining and I found the survey "Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis" by Bo Pang and Lillian Lee a really valuable resource, as it contains an extensive bibliography, publicly available datasets and lexical resources, etc.

Another interesting source of contents has been WOMSA workshop (1st Workshop on Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis), held in November 2009, with some up-to-date applications.

I also found interesting that Evri API that offer some sentiment-related details about some entities that are indexed in Evri.

I'm convinced we'll see a lot of Opinion Mining powered applications and services during the next years, it's a really interesting field in terms of its applications in marketing, social media...