Pierre Dangauthier posts about an interesting topic: online Machine Learning videos (lectures, research talks, etc.). There's a lot of interesting stuff and I list some I've found
- Feature Selection Through Lasso
- Sparse and large-scale learning with heterogeneous data
- Privacy Preserving Data Mining
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence
- Semisupervised Learning Approaches (Tom Mitchell)
- Machine Learning, Probability and Graphical Models
- Statistical Learning Theory
- Statistical Learning Theory (Olivier Bousquet)
- Support Vector Machines
- When Training and Test Distributions are Different: Characterising Learning Transfer
- Learning with Kernels
- Machine Learning Reductions (John Langford)
- Kernel Methods
- Random projection, margins, kernels, and feature-selection
- Kernel Methods in Statistical Learning
- Pattern Analysis with Graphs and Trees
- Tutorial on Statistical Machine Learning with Applications to Multimodal Processing
- Introduction to the Machine Learning over Text & Images - Autumn School by Eric Xing
- Statistical Learning Theory - Graph Models