After the experience of organizing the 1st International Workshop on Social Media (papers now online), we've been organizing a special issue of the IJEC (International Journal of Electronic Commerce) on Mining Social Media. Now we release the CFP hoping to receive high quality papers on Mining Social Media:
Recently, Forrester published a report, “The Future of the Social Web” where they sketched a timeline of the development of the Social Web, dividing its evolution in 5 eras. According to that report, the first era of the development of the Social Web started to explode the social relationships among users. Then, in the social functionality era, these social relationships resulted in the social functionality era where several websites started to add social functionalities in order to help users to interact with their peers. We are now in the era of Social Colonization, where technologies like Facebook Connect or Google Friend Connect have standardized social functionalities among websites and a vast majority of websites now include several social functionalities. Soon these federated identities will empower people to enter the era of social context with personalized and social content, and the development of tools for personalize social content will aim the development of the era of social commerce.
The primary goal of the proposed special issue of International Journal of Electronic Commerce is to foster research in the interplay between Social Media, Data Mining and Electronic Commerce, trying to reflect the actual developments on technologies that fit on the Social Context era.
The International Journal of Electronic Commerce is the #1-ranked journal on Electronic Commerce globally. This Special Issue will provide a significant opportunity for authors to publish important novel and original contributions in the area of Data Mining applied to Social Media. The guest editors seek papers and proposals that address various aspects of Mining Social Media, including recommender systems for social media, data mining algorithms designed to explode Social Networks, information management for Social Networks, etc.
We invite scholars and professionals from a broad range of disciplines to submit to this Special Issue. Papers may encompass any or all of the following: foundational theoretical analyses, modelling, simulation, and empirical studies. Authors may examine different aspects of mining social media in any of a variety of possible contexts. Special topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Data Mining for Social Networks
• Novel Algorithms
• Association Rules
• Mining semi-structured data
• Classification and Ranking
• Clustering
• Text Mining
• Machine Learning
• Privacy Preserved Data Mining
• Statistical Methods
• Temporal and spatial data mining
• Parallel and Distributed Data Mining
• Interactive and Online Mining
• Data and Knowledge Visualization
• Multimedia mining (audio/video)
• Ensemble Methods
• Web Mining
• Graph Mining
• Link Mining
B. Information Management for Social Networks
• Recommender Systems
• Information Retrieval
• Sentiment Analysis
• Natural Language Processing
• Question Answering
• Semantic Processing
• Graph Analysis and Complex Networks
• Social Network Analysis
C. Possible applications
• Electronic Commerce
• E-Mail Spam Detection
• Blog/Social Networks Spam Detection
• Community Detection
• Users/content recommenders
• Trends discovery
• Blogs/Social Networks Community Dynamics
• User Reviews Ranking
• Blogs/Social Networks Contributions Summarization
• Abuse/Fraud Detection
• User Profile Modelling
• Event Detection and Tracking in Social Media
• Online Advertising
Manuscripts submitted to the special issue should contain original material not published in nor submitted to other journals. Each manuscript has to have a cover page with the author information and another page with title and abstract but the author information omitted. The review process is double-blind and papers which do not meet publication quality standards will be rejected before the review process.
Interested authors are required to submit extended abstracts of no more than two pages for their planned submissions. This will give the editorial team an opportunity to determine if a given submission is appropriate for expedited handling and review.
Full papers should be sent via e-mail to Jose Carlos Cortizo <> in anonymized PDF Format, not including any author names or affiliations, and should not exceed 40 pages.
Recently, Forrester published a report, “The Future of the Social Web” where they sketched a timeline of the development of the Social Web, dividing its evolution in 5 eras. According to that report, the first era of the development of the Social Web started to explode the social relationships among users. Then, in the social functionality era, these social relationships resulted in the social functionality era where several websites started to add social functionalities in order to help users to interact with their peers. We are now in the era of Social Colonization, where technologies like Facebook Connect or Google Friend Connect have standardized social functionalities among websites and a vast majority of websites now include several social functionalities. Soon these federated identities will empower people to enter the era of social context with personalized and social content, and the development of tools for personalize social content will aim the development of the era of social commerce.
The primary goal of the proposed special issue of International Journal of Electronic Commerce is to foster research in the interplay between Social Media, Data Mining and Electronic Commerce, trying to reflect the actual developments on technologies that fit on the Social Context era.
The International Journal of Electronic Commerce is the #1-ranked journal on Electronic Commerce globally. This Special Issue will provide a significant opportunity for authors to publish important novel and original contributions in the area of Data Mining applied to Social Media. The guest editors seek papers and proposals that address various aspects of Mining Social Media, including recommender systems for social media, data mining algorithms designed to explode Social Networks, information management for Social Networks, etc.
We invite scholars and professionals from a broad range of disciplines to submit to this Special Issue. Papers may encompass any or all of the following: foundational theoretical analyses, modelling, simulation, and empirical studies. Authors may examine different aspects of mining social media in any of a variety of possible contexts. Special topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Data Mining for Social Networks
• Novel Algorithms
• Association Rules
• Mining semi-structured data
• Classification and Ranking
• Clustering
• Text Mining
• Machine Learning
• Privacy Preserved Data Mining
• Statistical Methods
• Temporal and spatial data mining
• Parallel and Distributed Data Mining
• Interactive and Online Mining
• Data and Knowledge Visualization
• Multimedia mining (audio/video)
• Ensemble Methods
• Web Mining
• Graph Mining
• Link Mining
B. Information Management for Social Networks
• Recommender Systems
• Information Retrieval
• Sentiment Analysis
• Natural Language Processing
• Question Answering
• Semantic Processing
• Graph Analysis and Complex Networks
• Social Network Analysis
C. Possible applications
• Electronic Commerce
• E-Mail Spam Detection
• Blog/Social Networks Spam Detection
• Community Detection
• Users/content recommenders
• Trends discovery
• Blogs/Social Networks Community Dynamics
• User Reviews Ranking
• Blogs/Social Networks Contributions Summarization
• Abuse/Fraud Detection
• User Profile Modelling
• Event Detection and Tracking in Social Media
• Online Advertising
Manuscripts submitted to the special issue should contain original material not published in nor submitted to other journals. Each manuscript has to have a cover page with the author information and another page with title and abstract but the author information omitted. The review process is double-blind and papers which do not meet publication quality standards will be rejected before the review process.
Interested authors are required to submit extended abstracts of no more than two pages for their planned submissions. This will give the editorial team an opportunity to determine if a given submission is appropriate for expedited handling and review.
Full papers should be sent via e-mail to Jose Carlos Cortizo <> in anonymized PDF Format, not including any author names or affiliations, and should not exceed 40 pages.
- Abstracts DeadLine: 15 January 2010
- Abstracts Feedback: 30 January 2010
- Full Paper Submission: 15 April 2010
- Revision Notification: 1 June 2010
- Revised Manuscripts: 1 August 2010
- Final Decision: 1 October 2010